We Treat Pets Like Family



General Surgery Information:

We offer a wide range of surgical procedures at My Family Vet. If your pet requires surgery, we will give you a detailed explanation of the process, book it in as a day procedure and provide you with an estimate of costs.

All our surgical patients are admitted in the morning, given a physical examination, and have a blood test performed to check that internal organ function can metabolise the anaesthetic safely. They are then given a pre-med injection which is a combination of a sedative and pain relief before the general anaesthetic (GA). Under the GA, your pet will be closely monitored by sophisticated monitoring equipment as well as our experienced staff.

General Surgical Procedures:

Our highly qualified veterinarians are competent in performing many soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery. Soft tissue surgeries include – desexing, lumpectomies, biopsies, laceration repairs, gastro-intestinal surgery, splenectomies, bladder surgery, some eye and eyelid surgery and some orthopedic surgeries.

BOAS Surgery:

We now offer Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS) surgery. Dr. Ema Bowman is a highly experienced BOAS surgeon who regularly perfoms life-changing Airway Improvement Surgery at our clinic. 

Other Surgery:

For more complicated surgeries, we use an experienced mobile surgeon who comes to our clinic too. We will sometimes need to refer our patients to nearby specialist surgeons.

Desexing Surgery:

If you do not plan to breed from your pet, we strongly encourage desexing. For both male and female cats, we recommend desexing at 5-6 months of age. For dogs that are small to medium breeds, we recommend desexing be performed at 6 months of age. For dogs that are classified as large to giant breeds, we recommend considering delaying desexing until full skeletal growth at about 12-18 months of age. There are some exceptions to this, which we are happy to discuss with you.

We offer a wide range of surgical procedures at My Family Vet. If your pet requires surgery, we will give you a detailed explanation of the process, book it in as a day procedure and provide you with an estimate of costs.

All our surgical patients are admitted in the morning, given a physical examination, and have a blood test performed to check that internal organ function can metabolise the anaesthetic safely. They are then given a pre-med injection which is a combination of a sedative and pain relief before the general anaesthetic (GA). Under the GA, your pet will be closely monitored by sophisticated monitoring equipment as well as our experienced staff.

Our highly qualified veterinarians are competent in performing many soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery. Soft tissue surgeries include – desexing, lumpectomies, biopsies, laceration repairs, gastro-intestinal surgery, splenectomies, bladder surgery, and some eye and eyelid surgery. Dr. Charlotte also has a special interest in performing Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS) surgery and certain orthopaedic surgery. For more complicated surgeries, we use an experienced mobile surgeon who comes to our clinic too. We will sometimes need to refer our patients to nearby specialist surgeons.

If you do not plan to breed from your pet, we strongly encourage desexing. For both male and female cats, we recommend desexing at 5-6 months of age. For dogs that are small to medium breeds, we recommend desexing be performed at 6 months of age. For dogs that are classified as large to giant breeds, we recommend considering delaying desexing until full skeletal growth at about 12-18 months of age. There are some exceptions to this, which we are happy to discuss with you.

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