When your beloved furry family member is coming towards the end of their life, we understand and emphasize how heartbreaking and stressful this can be. Our job is to help provide our patients with the needed palliative care to ensure that they are still having a good quality of life. We will advise you on how we can manage and minimize pain and suffering with various treatments.
However, when our beautiful pets are not enjoying life anymore, we will discuss this with you and when the time is right provide humane euthanasia. We promise to make that transition as stress-free and peaceful as possible. After-care is provided by a number of companies that we can discuss with you.
Additionally, we have access to grief counselling which we can direct you to if you would like. We know that losing a fur baby leaves a big hole in your heart and we will support you through that process in any way we can.
When your beloved furry family member is coming towards the end of their life, we understand and emphasize how heartbreaking and stressful this can be. Our job is to help provide our patients with the needed palliative care to ensure that they are still having a good quality of life. We will advise you on how we can manage and minimize pain and suffering with various treatments.
However, when our beautiful pets are not enjoying life anymore, we will discuss this with you and when the time is right provide humane euthanasia. We promise to make that transition as stress-free and peaceful as possible. After-care is provided by a number of companies that we can discuss with you.
Additionally, we have access to grief counselling which we can direct you to if you would like. We know that losing a fur baby leaves a big hole in your heart and we will support you through that process in any way we can.